I woke up today thinking that this is the best band ever...

..so please meet THE MONKS...!!!!

(before I change my mind or switch to any other "best band ever" mood)

Thist post is dedicated to all my fellow prognotfroggers and specially to Algarnas who "discovered" The Monks for us all.

And...!!! ..Ladies and Gentlemen..!!!

Believe it or not... filmed just two weeks ago somewhere in Minessotta..!!!

Be alert for the upcoming "Tribute to The Monks", including covers of The Monks songs by Faust, The Fall and many others.

It is Monk Time!!!

Keep Dancing...!!!


  1. Man, it just keeps getting better. Thank you and please keep 'em coming.

    Best band ever? Nah, still the Beatles.

    Most astonishing yet unheralded band in Rock history? Probably. Sad thing is, none of are as cool as we thought we were if we didn't know about these guys.

  2. Well..they were the best band ever this morning.. 15 hours later the best band ever is Hesperion XX, but I still think they are absolutely fantastic!

  3. Oh Glory! Tanks God for The Monks!!!

  4. never heard of this band but i like it. It's like a mix of syd barret post floyd era, the doors break on through energy and beatles vocals. Very nice find.

  5. How unfortunate that the zebra-striped idiot is blocking the view...

    hey, look at me! i have a striped jacket on! Don't i look so cool? I'm gonna stand here and block your view for the entire concert!
