Sintesis - 'En Busca De Una Nueva Flor'' {Cuba} [1978] @192 (prog rock)

Recorded in 1978, this album is a very interesting mixture of traditional prog and folk elements and some of "Nueva Trova", an epic Cuban revolutionary songs style. Soft, elegant and beautiful, a sort of a very melodic prog music. Very nice interplay between male and female voices (in Spanish), chorus, electric guitars, classic piano, Moog and organ (the first track is a good example of the band's potential). A couple of songs are not really progressive, but very enjoyable too.

The song "Poema" has beautiful lyrics from Pablo Neruda (Chilean Nobel Prize winner), and the highlight is the homonymous "En Busca De Una Nueva Flor", almost seven minutes of piano and synth lead music.

Both long bonus are quite interesting: "Variaciones Sobre Un Zapateo" has influences from Italian symphonic rock blended with Cuban folklore, and "Elogio De La Danza" is a space- atmospheric-ethnic track.

A recommended album, not extremely complex but very nice, delicated and full of Cuban colours.(reviewed by Marcelo Matusevich)

Poema XII

Para mi corazón basta tu pecho,
para tu libertad bastan mis alas.
Desde mi boca llegará hasta el cielo
lo que estaba dormido sobre tu alma.

Es en ti la ilusión de cada día.
Llegas como el rocío a las corolas.
Socavas el horizonte con tu ausencia.
Eternamente en fuga como la ola.

He dicho que cantabas en el viento
como los pinos y como los mástiles.
Como ellos eres alta y taciturna.
Y entristeces de pronto, como un viaje.

Acogedora como un viejo camino.
Te pueblan ecos y voces nostálgicas.
Yo desperté y a veces emigran y huyen
pájaros que dormían en tu alma.

..Pablo Neruda..

SiNteSis - PoEmA..

Keep Listenin & Links in comments ..

SoMoS la fLoR..


  1. great album, great band, one of my favz from Cuba.Very rare album to find, i knew like 1 year ago, since i love it :P

    greets from Guatemala!


  2. Estoy sorprendido :-0

    grandiosa musica, amigo.

    gracias Nahavanda

    saludos desde Mexico

  3. gracias a todos for your nice comments ;)

  4. I was so curious about this. The file was deleted from RapidShare.
