Kontinuerlig Drift var en fortsättning på gruppen Hela Havet Stormar vars medlemmar kom från Tierp, Uppsala och Söderhamn. De hade känt varandra redan sedan början av 70-talet och även spelat ihop ett flertal gånger som Hela Havet Stormar. 1977 samlades grupper i Uppsala och där började de mer frekvent att improvisera fram låtar ihop. Hösten samma år tändes idén att ge ut en egen platta. Skivan gavs ut på egen hand med handtryckt omslag och i endast 300 exemplar.
Gruppen var starkt inspirerade av proggrörelsens psykedeliska band som Levande Livet och Fläsket Brinner. I Kontinuerlig Drift spelades psykedeliska bluesrock av det bästa slag, ibland med politiska texter som i ”Terroristen” och ibland helst instrumentalt som ”Soukian”. Alf Arvidsson har även spelat med bland annat GudIBrallan, Mora Träsk, Mobben och flera andra band.
Google translate and a little bit of editing gave this translation (by Arnoud999 in comments):
Kontinuerlig Drift (Continuous Operation) was a continuation of the group Whole Sea of Storms, whose members came from Tierp, Uppsala and Port Hedland. They had known each other since the very beginning of the 70s and even played together several times as Whole Sea Storms. 1977 brought them together in Uppsala and there they started more frequently to improvise songs together. In autumn of that year arised the idea to make a record. The disc was released on their own with hand-printed wrappers and in only 300 copies.
The group was strongly inspired by progressive psychedelic bands Levande Livet and Fläsket Brinner. Kontinuerlig Drift played psychedelic blues rock of the best kind, sometimes with political texts of "terrorists" and sometimes instrumental songs as "Soukian." Alf Arvidsson has also played with (among others) GudIBrallan, Mora Träsk, Mobben and several other bands.
Sida A:
1. Terroristen (4:29)
2. Indianens Blod (6:45)
3. Linas Lek / Gånglåt från Vettet (11:25)
Sida B:
1. Svart Dagar, Svarta Nätter (8:01)
2. Liksom En Herdinna (6:47)
3. Se Men Inte Röra (4:21)
4. Skookian (4:23)
- Alf Arvidsson Piano
- Bo Anders Skoglund Gitarr
- Håkan Eriksson Gitarr
- Lars Södergren Saxofon
- Leif Eriksson Bas
- Tomo Wihma Trummor, slagverk
- Ulf Niskanen Vibrafon
link in comments
ReplyDeleteGoogle translate and a little bit of editing gave this translation:
ReplyDeleteKontinuerlig Drift (Continuous Operation) was a continuation of the group Whole Sea of Storms, whose members came from Tierp, Uppsala and Port Hedland. They had known each other since the very beginning of the 70s and even played together several times as Whole Sea Storms. 1977 brought them together in Uppsala and there they started more frequently to improvise songs together. In autumn of that year arised the idea to make a record. The disc was released on their own with hand-printed wrappers and in only 300 copies.
The group was strongly inspired by progressive psychedelic bands Levande Livet and Fläsket Brinner. Kontinuerlig Drift played psychedelic blues rock of the best kind, sometimes with political texts of "terrorists" and sometimes instrumental songs as "Soukian." Alf Arvidsson has also played with (among others) GudIBrallan, Mora Träsk, Mobben and several other bands.
Thanks a lot Arnoud999 :)
ReplyDeletethanks to 'plattlangarn' for the rip
ReplyDeletelooks interesting, but unfortunately this link doesnt work...
links "Megaupload" "Zshare" and "Badongo" work :)
ReplyDeleteTranslations :-) "Soderhamn" is possible the best translation, and not "Port Hedland" - directly translated it is actually "Southport"
ReplyDeleteGood music - thanks!
Bernt from Sweden