It seems Sweden's Atlas never had a very easy time of it, only releasing one album in their six-year history, 1979's Blå Vardag. Ad Perpetuam Memoriam's mid-'90s CD reissue includes several bonus tracks, including one by the post-Atlas outfit, Mosaik, formed by all of Atlas minus one of their two keyboard players, Björn Nielsen. Mosaik is a surprisingly progressive album for the time, although as Isildurs Bane proved, progressive rock didn't completely die out in Sweden in the '80s, though it really wasn't looking too well for a while. Mosaik's a bit of a mixed bag, going from gentle acoustic opener, Återfunnen, through the piano and sax duet Önnestad to the rather overlong Rhodes and MiniMoog jazz workout Re-Båpp, although overall, the band kept the quality pretty high.
http://www.planetmellotron.com/revm9.htmA1. Återfunnen (1:49)
A2. Björnstorp (6:16)
A3. Kirstens rum (8:47)
A4. Tiden bara går (3:28)
A5. Önnestad (4:02)
A6. Ett oskrivet blad (4:06)
B1. Pappa har gått vilse (3:40)
B2. Re-Båpp (14:03)
B3. Trio (4:27)
B4. Mosaik: Gul, röd, orange (5:05)
- Dan Bornemark Sång
- Erik Björn Nielsen Orgel
- Hans Annellsson Gitarr
- Janne Persson Gitarr, flöjt, piano, bas
- Karl Witting Sång
- Micke Pinotti Trummor
- Peter Nilsson Sax
- Tomas Gunnarsson Violin, trummor
- Ulf Hedlund Bas
A2. Björnstorp...
link in comments...
thanks for this.Great Blog!cheers
ReplyDeleteSurprisingly good album. Thanks for the link and keep up the good work.
ReplyDeletei would just like to namedrop CAMEL
ReplyDeleteand Snowgoose / Moonmadness to hint
for fellow music lovers.
Been a fan of this site now for 2 years and still getting surprised by the gems that's thrown up here.
Good Work. And Thank you.