This is a little bit intresting album. Some people said that it is Sir Lord Baltimores 3rd album but it isnt. The only connection they got with the legendery heavy rock group is that the drummer from SLB sings on some tracks. When SLB finished their studio session for their second album Bloody Mary was booked to use the studio after them. And Bloody mary asked John Garner to sing one some tracks and he did. But back to Bloody Mary to be honest I dont know a shit about the group I just bought the CD when I was on vacation becuse it was cheap. And I discovered that it was petty good with some really good organ and fuzz parts. If yo like traditional US heavy this is something for you.
If you know something about them tell me in comments.
1. Dragon Lady
2. Highway
3. Riddle of the Sea
4. Free and Easy
5. You Only Got Yourself
6. Can You Feel It
7. I Hear Music Playing
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Best wishes from Sweden
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