This week show is about good songwriting (and covering)... thanks to our beloved friend Nahavanda I discovered the album "Re-Covers" by Albert Kuvezin and Yat Kha a few weeks ago.. since then I have been unable to stop listeining to it so I have decided to use it as a starting point for today's show...
As the Yat Kha album is rather crazy and might sound corrosive to our western ears I decided to get even more corrosive (hehehehe!).. by playing the new Nick Cave project: Grinderman. There's a funny story about this album,. It was supposed to be released in March 2007 but somehow it slipped into the internet 4 months before its official publication. How? Who did it?.. We'll never know I guess... Anyway I dedicate this songs to Seebaer, I know he likes Nick Caves a lot.
The rest of the show is more of the usual madness.
Do not miss tye cello-rock ensemble Rasputina, brainchild of the extremely brilliant Melora Craig, the rabid madness of Marc Almond or the undeservedly forgotten great songs by Daniel Dax...
..and there're more surpirses.. specially chosen for you all...
Be well, enjoy yourselves and...
Keep Listening...!!!
Errata: Important ---> The track List show that song # 10 is Wiseman In Your Heart... that's a mistake..there are only ten songs in this show and song ten is the last one (by Gabriel Yacoub). Please correct the track list.
"The Righteous Percussion of the Waist Drum Completely Eradicates the Frog Pests" (Drawing on Rice paper) by Caixing (Zhang Cuiying Pseudonym, practicioner of Falun Gong, a Dynamic Art similar to Tai Chi).
More (and very interesting!) information here: ---> http://en.clearharmony.net/
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