This one my dear friends its maybe on of the best heavy fuzz albums ever from Europe. A true power trio that camed from Yugoslavia but recorded their one and only album in Holland back in 1973. Pretty cool that it is lyrics in both yugoslavian and english. And so much fuzz that it will be enough for ten albums. Now days this is a very rare record, it was originaly released on the private label Killroy in Holland. I think this is a rip on one of the first cd releases of this album that camed 1994(but the pics I have downloaded on the Internet) on the label Coven this one got the number Coven 2. If you know what more they have relesed please write in comments. Their influences most have been groups like Cream, Blue Cheer and Hendrix. So if you like heavy fuzz rock this one is for you
Jura Havidi`c Guitar, Vocals
Miljenko Bali`c Bass
Emil Vugrinec Drums, Vocals
Could You Understand Me (Havidi`c) 3.36
Dedicated To Love (Fire/Dui`c) 3.02
Memory Of Love (Dui`c, havidi`c) 5,08
Jedan Divan Dan (Bali`c, Havidi`c) 7,33
Hey You (Havidi`c) 6,38
Where Are You (Vugrinec) 3.21
Flames (Fire) 9.00
Download link in comments
Best wishes from Sweden